WWE is always looking to create new and exciting characters in professional wrestling to push the boundaries. Whether it is from the wild gimmicks or the overall presentation, certain gimmicks can seem very over the top, but that is often what Vince McMahon is looking for within his talent.

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For some wrestlers, weird gimmicks end up working, such as Mankind or The Undertaker. But that isn't the case for everybody. That's because there are tons of weird wrestlers that WWE has pushed and created, only to pull the plug on within a small period of time, whether that's because they didn't work, or Vince simply changed his mind.

10 Kizarny

WWE spent several weeks building up Kizarny as a talent, with his unique personality. The company tried to invest in him, and he even got to pick up a victory during his debut against MVP. His character was based on being a gypsy, which was certainly unique and something different.

However, after scoring his victory, Kizarny ended up disappearing. It left most fans confused, as he was somebody that people were interested in, and inside the ring he appeared to be fine. But clearly Vince McMahon had other thoughts on the situation.

9 ECW Zombie

The ECW Zombie was a wild character that was never going to work on a long-term basis. WWE created this gimmick in order to promote Sci Fi, which was the channel ECW was being broadcast on. It's something that didn't last long though, as he appeared, got beaten down, and left.

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The ECW Zombie was attacked by Sandman, who showcased his ability with a kendo stick by violently attacking him. From then on, the ECW Zombie was gone, with this character getting no time at all.

8 Phantasio

Phantasio was another strange gimmick that did not last. He was seemingly set to be a magician style character, which could have been somewhat interesting in the wrestling world if it had been executed correctly. However, Vince McMahon didn't give this one enough of a chance to find out.

The gimmick debuted, picked up a victory, and was then never seen from again. It was over as fast as it had begun, with the character just leaving fans puzzled as to where he had disappeared to in the first place.

7 Emmalina

Emma is somebody that fans were familiar with, as she had been around the WWE roster for a long time. However, Vince McMahon decided to change things up with the Emmalina gimmick. This involved weeks of build up and teases before she finally came out onto the stage.

The gimmick seemed to be based purely around her looks, with WWE tapping into that side of herself. However, the week after she debuted with that character, it was finished. The entire gimmick got one physical appearance, and zero matches.

6 Friar Ferguson

Friar Ferguson was a gimmick based on an old-school monk, which is something that was never going to work in a wrestling environment. However, the character was only taken off television because the Catholic Church Of New York ended up complaining about it, not being happy with the representation.

WWE obliged, and it's unlikely that many fans were too upset about the situation. In the end, the man behind the gimmick was repackaged as The Bastion Booger, which was an equally poor character overall.

5 The Gobbledy Gooker

The Gobbledy Gooker was a ridiculous idea overall, having a man dressed up in a turkey outfit, cracking out of an egg, is something that was never going to get over. It didn't connect with audiences, and while it was more accepted at the time than it would have been today, it was still ridiculous.

RELATED: The Story Of WWE’s Gobbledy Gooker, Explained

The entire premise never made any sense, with this not being something that WWE could actually have booked properly. After a couple of months on television, the Gooker was taken away and left to making occasional one-off comedy appearances.

4 Beaver Cleavage

Beaver Cleavage was a gimmick that Headbanger Mosh took on due to his tag team partner being injured. However, this was not a good character, and it was never going to be taken seriously. The character was promoted for a while in some terrible backstage segments.

However, when it came to actual bell to bell action, Cleavage only ever had one match, before he changed gimmicks again. This was likely a smart decision, because this wasn't one that fans were ever going to get behind on a regular basis.

3 Vade Hansen

Vade Hansen was a gimmick WWE gave up on so quickly he didn't even get the chance to compete inside the ring. He was simply kept to backstage promos, which were supposed to build the suspense to his gimmick. However, someone was obviously not impressed.

The character was supposedly set to be based round a mutant, which would have been a weird gimmick for the company to try and get across on television. However, they didn't have to worry about that, because he never made it to the ring.

2 The Bunny

Another time WWE tried to push a mascot in a serious wrestling role was with Adam Rose's Bunny. This gimmick was not a good one, and it was never going to work as an actual character. On the outside within his dance party, things made sense, and he suited being involved.

RELATED: The Worst WWE Gimmick Every Year From 1990 To 1999

However, when it came to actually getting in the ring and wrestling, seeing a Bunny rolling around and taking bumps was too weird. It took fans out of the action, especially since The Bunny was considered a more serious talent than Rose himself at points.

1 Kerwin White

Kerwin White is one of the worst gimmicks that WWE has ever created, and it did not make anybody look good. Chavo Guerrero is well known for being a great wrestler, but even he couldn't get this one over. WWE truly made things impossible as he became a golfer.

While it did give fans a look at Dolph Ziggler, that was the only real positive to take from the experience. From his golf cart to the clothes that he would wear, everything about this gimmick was a complete miss, and it did not last long. The gimmick was eventually dropped when Eddie Guerrero passed away.
